mardi 27 septembre 2016

Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh dear parents and guardians,

On Saturday, September 24th 2016, our Muhajiruns had an enriching enternship experience at the end of which each of them earned a certification Mashaa Allaah!!!! They learned about basic dental anatomy, oral diseases,basic  tooth structure, how to evaluate a patient, diagnosis and treatment in dental medicine. The dentist showed to students live demonstrations   with patients to highlight these points

The muhajiruns  also learned   about disinfection  and sterilization of dental instruments, including hot and cold sterilizers....

We have a future dentist in  the house. Inshaa Allaah!!!!

 According  to the dentist,  there are interrelationships of teeth and eye color. 

BarakAllahou Feekum!!!!!

mercredi 21 septembre 2016

First Week of School Schedule

Boarding School Schedule:  2016/2017 from  Sept 19th to  Sept 25th

Mon - Fri
5:15 am- 5-40 am  Waking up , ablution,                           Qur’an Revision

5:41 am-  5:55 am Adhaan and Fajr prayer
5:56 Subh Prayer
6:05 am-6:15 am adhkaar and reminder
6:15am- 7:45 Resting time
6:15 am - 6:45 am  ( taking shower, getting dressed up, making up beds)
6:15am- 8:00 Resting Time
7:45am - 8:00am
6:45 am  – 7:05 am Breakfast
7:45am - 8:00am
Arabic  class
8:00am- 9:00am
7:05 Roll call
8:00am- 9:00
Qur’aan Class
9:00- 1:00 
Qur’an Class

7:20 going to school
9:00- 1:00  Internship DENTIST OFICE (Group 1)
Qur’aan Class     (Group 2)

8:00 am-4:30 pm SCHOOL TIME
1:15 -1:45 Lunch

1:45-  2:00 Adhan ablutions
1:45-  2:00 Adhan ablutions
2:00-2:15 Zuhr prayer and adhkar
2:00-2:15 Zuhr prayer and adhkar

2:15-4:45 resting time
2:15-4:45 resting time
4:30 pm  going back to the boarding school
2:15-4:45 resting time
6:00 pm- 7:30 pm tutoring time
7:30 pm  Adhaan & Maghrib prayer
7:30pm -8:00pm Dinner
8:00 -9:15 Al-Qur’aan Revision
9:15 Adhaan and prayer
9:30 Preparing for going to bed

lundi 19 septembre 2016

Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh dear parents/guardians,

As we embark upon a new academic school year, we are looking forward to providing a safe
environment and the opportunities for your children to develop the skills necessary to become
independent muslim thinkers, lifelong learners and responsible muslim citizens.
Insha ALLAAH, we are going to build a productive partnership with their teachers  to ensure that they can reach their highest potential.
We will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities towards your children.
We thank Allaah for the energy and spirit  that he renewed in us through the summer months.
May this year be marked  by Taqwa, repentance and obedience to Allaah.

BarakALLAhou Feekum,

Assalaamou Alaikoum (Anglais en bas)
Here is tomorrow's schedule
7:30-8:00   Meet and Greet Parents and Students
Pre-School Building
Pre-school go directly to their classes. There will be a brief presentation to parents until 8:45.
Main Campus
8:00 -  Presentation of staff and teachers
8:20 - Students dismissed to classes
8:35 - 9:00 Presentation to Parents in the backyard: "Overview of the Year and Expectations"
9:00 - Parents invited to visit the school and their children's classrooms.
9:45 Parents and guests say their final good-byes and dismissed from the building.

Thank you,

Director, IQRABA

dimanche 18 septembre 2016

Assalamu Aleykum  dear parents and guardians,

On Thursday, September 15th 2015,  the  Muhajiruns went to Yoff gravesite  to pray for our departed loved ones and all muslims. They learned about the benefits and  the Sunnah etiquettes for  visiting graves.
 As our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh taught it: if a visitor gets to a gravesite, he should turn his face towards graves and utter the following prayer:

لسلام عليكم أهل الديار، قوم المؤمنين انتم لنا سلف، وإنا إن شاء بكم لاحقون نسأل الله لنا ولكم العفو والعافية"
“Peace be upon you, O the families of the believers! you are our predecessors and Allah willing, we shall meet you. we ask Allah to give us and yourselves forgiveness and compassion.

May Allaah increase their knowledge and grant them excellent understanding of the Deen !!! Ameen.

mercredi 14 septembre 2016

Returning day

 BismiLLaahi Rahmaani Rahiim,

Assalamu Aleykum wa Rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh dear parents and guardians,
 Allaah says:

"It is neither their blood nor their meat that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches him... " Surat Haj 
Eid Ul Aldha Mubarak!
We pray that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers granted by Allah the Almighty.  May He shower countless blessings upon you and your family. Ameen!!!
This is also to remind you that the returning date of the Muhajiruns is scheduled for Sept 14th at 5PM.
We are looking forward to seeing them again. 
BarakaALLahou Fikum,
Deenyat instructor and Director,  I-BA boarding school. 

First Messages

IBA Boarding / Internat First Weeks!

Assalaamou Alaikoum Parents and Guardians,

Alhumdullilah, in less than 48 hours inshaAllah, the IBA Boarding School (Mermoz Meadows) will open its doors.
With the help of Allah (swt) and for His sake alone, we aim to be one of the leading college preparatory Islamic schools on the continent.  

With the right levels of support and guidance from staff, along with the positive relationships that our boys build with their peers, we pray that IQRABA Boarders will develop a strong sense of belonging. With belonging comes a sense of self and good self-esteem. It is only once we have this balance that a young man will fulfill his potential.

Academically our boarders are not only supported by their Housemasters but evening study is supervised by a range of qualified teachers across a number of teaching areas. This means that all boys have the means to access the specific assistance that they need in order to achieve at their best.

Our aim is to provide a high level of care in order for boys to be safe and happy in this environment.

The first weeks in the Boarding School the boys will be focusing on various aspects of the deen (Qur'an Recitation, Arabic Reading and Understanding, Hadith, Aqeedah, Seerah Nabawi, Akhlaq wa adab, etc.). 

Pray for us daily as we begin this journey to shape your boys into successful young men that will have the knowledge and heart to serve Allah through their words, studies, and everyday acts.

Below you will follow the Boarding Schedule for the first weeks of September.  Please check this Blog often for updates and pics as the year goes on inshaAllah. 

Wa salaam,
Nieshaakema JAMES-SARR
Director, IQRABA

Boarding school SCHEDULE:
September 3-7;
September 15-18, 2016
September 3rd, MOVE-IN DAY
House Location: Route de Ouakam, near ELI Institute (turn in at the ELI sign). Balloons will be on the front door inshaAllah. Call 77-557-1436 (Mr. Lam) for further directions. 
5:00 - 6:30 PM Presentation to Parents/Guardians
6:30 PM Break
7:30 PM Magrib prayer and short Bayaan 
7:30-8:30 PM Handbook Review with students (rules, policies etc...)
8:30-9:05 PM Dinner
9:05-9:15 PM Ishaa prayer 
9:30 PM Lights out!
Boarding school SCHEDULE:  
September  4th - 16th 2016
Sunday 4 
Monday 5
Tuesday 6
Wednesday 7
Thursday 15
Friday 16
Saturday 17
Sunday 18
4:30 Wake up
4:45 Memorization of Al-Qur’aan
5:30 Adhaan
6:00 Bayaan
6:20-7:00 Memorization of Al-Qur’aan
7:00 Breakfast & Break
8:00 – 11:00 Arabic Class
11:10 – 1:15 Islamic studies (Adaab wa Akhlaq)
11:10 –1:15
Islamic Studies (Aqeedah)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies (Seerah) Nabawi)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies (Fiqh)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies (competition)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies (Akhlaq wa adab)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies (Aqeedah)
11:10 – 1:15
Islamic Studies ( Seeratul Anbiya)

1:15 Jumu’ah at the masjid

1:30 Adhaan
1:30 Adhaan
1:45 prayer
1:45 prayer
Lunch & Break
3:00 Qur’aan
4:30 Adhaan
4:45 Prayer and Bayaan
ACTIVITIES: Basketball, football,  take a walk , swimming pool ,  visit sick people at Albert Royer Hospital, Dantec Hospital, give sadaqah etc…

6:30  Bathing and resting

7:15 Adhaan

7:30 Maghib Prayer

7:30-8:00 Dinner

8:15 Revision of Al-Qur’aan

9:15 Adhaan and prayer

9:30 Preparing for going to bed

9:45 Lights out