lundi 19 septembre 2016

Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh dear parents/guardians,

As we embark upon a new academic school year, we are looking forward to providing a safe
environment and the opportunities for your children to develop the skills necessary to become
independent muslim thinkers, lifelong learners and responsible muslim citizens.
Insha ALLAAH, we are going to build a productive partnership with their teachers  to ensure that they can reach their highest potential.
We will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities towards your children.
We thank Allaah for the energy and spirit  that he renewed in us through the summer months.
May this year be marked  by Taqwa, repentance and obedience to Allaah.

BarakALLAhou Feekum,

Assalaamou Alaikoum (Anglais en bas)
Here is tomorrow's schedule
7:30-8:00   Meet and Greet Parents and Students
Pre-School Building
Pre-school go directly to their classes. There will be a brief presentation to parents until 8:45.
Main Campus
8:00 -  Presentation of staff and teachers
8:20 - Students dismissed to classes
8:35 - 9:00 Presentation to Parents in the backyard: "Overview of the Year and Expectations"
9:00 - Parents invited to visit the school and their children's classrooms.
9:45 Parents and guests say their final good-byes and dismissed from the building.

Thank you,

Director, IQRABA

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